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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a master database?

A master database is a compilation of all FCC data used by rfDetective-FM. A master database can be purchased from rfSoftware. The FCC generally updates their database each work day.

What is a job?

A job contains a subset of the master database. Station and map data within a 350 km radius of a location are included. This data allows for the study of a class C station within 60 km of the center of a job (49 km if next to the Canadian border). Lower powered classes can be studied further from the job center.

What are MDAC and DCOM?

Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC) contains database access and manipulation tools. Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) allow different components of rfDetective to communicate with each other. Neither DCOM nor MDAC are parts of rfDetective-FM, rather they are extensions of the Windows Operating System.

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized programming language for manipulating information in a database. rfDetective-FM allows you direct access to its master database using SQL. This powerful tool gives you complete control of your information searches.

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