rfProfiler Light Unregistered Edition
- FCC 30-second terrain data for Continental U.S.
- Lat/Lon Calculator.
- Uses FCC 73.208 method.
- Calculate range and bearing between 2 points.
- Calculate 2nd point from 1st point, range and bearing.
- Show elevation profile between the two points.
- Elevation Profile displays:
- Terrain height
- Earth curvature (radius adjustable from 0.5 to 5.0).
- Line-of-Sight.
- First Fresnel Zone (adjustable from 1 to 100 percent).
- Free-space path loss value.
- Longley-Rice modeled path loss value.
- Range and Elevation markers.
- Two user settable markers.
- Expanded view (between user markers).
- Link Budget Calculator.
- Conversion Utility
- Linear units
- Field stength units
- NAD-27/NAD-83 conversion
rfProfiler Light Registered Edition
Product specifications subject to change without notice.